Toyota Access Loan - Finance you drive
Toyota Access puts you in the driver’s seat. With a Toyota Access Loan, you can drive the Toyota you want today with the knowledge that the future is taken care of.
Your benefits with Toyota Access
Ready to unlock the future? No matter where you’re going, Toyota is with you every step of the way. So, as your lifestyle changes or your business grows, gain the flexibility and assurance you need to take on the road ahead.

Guaranteed Future Value[F2]
Gain peace of mind with a Guaranteed Future Value and know exactly how much your car is worth to us at the end of your loan term (subject to fair wear and tear and agreed kilometres being met).

End of loan options
When your Toyota Access Loan or when your loan ends, you will have three flexible options to choose from: trade, keep or return.

Toyota Personalised Repayments
Thanks to Toyota Personalised Repayments[F6] that remain fixed for the life of the loan, your repayments won’t change. So, no nasty surprises.
End of loan options
When your loan term ends, you’re in control of what happens next. You can either trade in to a new model, keep the vehicle (either through refinancing or paying it off outright), or return the vehicle to us for the Guaranteed Future ValueF2] (subject to fair wear and tear and agreed kilometres being met).

Visit our dealer if you’d like to upgrade your Toyota for a new model. If the trade-in value is higher than your outstanding balance, you can put the difference towards your new vehicle.

If you’d prefer to keep your Toyota, choose to pay the outstanding balance on the vehicle or let us help you refinance the remainder (conditions apply).

If you’d like to return your car, Toyota Finance will pay you the Guaranteed Future Value[F2] agreed at the start of your loan and put it against the remaining balance owing on your account.
Step 1: Getting your Toyota Access Loan quote
We give you the power to choose exactly how the life of your Toyota Access Loan will play out.

Enter details
Choose a Toyota, your deposit amount (if any), the frequency of your repayments and loan term, then estimate how many kilometres you’ll drive.

Calculate repayments
Toyota Finance analysts calculate your vehicle’s Guaranteed Future Value[F2] based on your choices and market data.

Finance breakdown
After getting your Toyota Personalised Repayment[F6], we calculate your Toyota Personalised Repayment[F6] schedule and offer you a competitive fixed rate loan.
Step 2: Get your documents ready
Before applying for car finance, there are several documents you need to have ready.
We have a printable checklist to make sure you have everything you need.

Ready to get a finance quote?
Use our online calculator to work out your Toyota Personalised Repayments[F6] and repayment costs for your new Toyota.
Toyota Access for Business
Just like a personal Toyota Access Loan, you have the power to choose the terms that perfectly match your business needs.
Feel secure knowing that as your business grows you’ve got the options you need to stay flexible.
What Identification and Documents do I need to apply?
To apply for car finance you will need to provide the following:
Proof of Identity
- Driver’s license – at least one person on the finance application
- Passport or Proof of Age card
- One of the following:
- Valid Medicare
- Valid Credit/Debit card
- Valid Veteran card
Proof of income – one of the following combinations
- Pay slip including year to date summary (unless Jul/Aug) or
- 3 x consecutive payslips (if no YTD or Jul/Aug) or
- Employment contract and 3 months bank statement
- (if recently started)
Self Employed
- Tax Return or
- Business Financials
Proof of residence
Home owner/buyer
- Rates notice
- Tenancy Agreement
Boarding or living with parents
- Proof of address
Understanding of monthly expenses – you will be asked about your current monthly expenses. It is best to be prepared with a list of your monthly expenses.
We have a PDF Checklist you can print to make sure you have everything you need.
How does Toyota Access work?
At the time of purchase, you’ll be asked to choose a car, loan term, deposit amount (if any) and agree on the number of kilometres you expect the car to travel before the loan ends. We’ll then guarantee the minimum future value of your new car, otherwise known as the Guaranteed Future Value (GFV)[F2], which will be used as the final balloon payment on your loan (subject to fair wear and tear and the estimated kilometres being met). When your term is up, you’ll have the flexibility to trade, keep or return your car as needed.
What if I drive extra kms?
An excess usage adjustment of $0.0635 per kilometre will apply if, at the end of the term, you have travelled more than the agreed end odometer. This will be deducted from your Guaranteed Future Value (GFV)[F2], which then becomes your adjusted GFV.
If there's lots of damage, can I return my vehicle and claim the Guaranteed Future Value (GFV)?
If your car doesn't meet the fair wear and tear guide, Toyota Finance will give you the opportunity to have the car repaired. Otherwise, Toyota Finance can organise the repairs and deduct the cost from your Guaranteed Future Value (GFV)[F2]. This adjusted GFV will then be the price Toyota Finance will offer you if you return the car at the end of your term. Of course, if you keep the car, the condition won’t matter; however, if you trade it in or sell it privately, the condition will impact your sale price. Find the Fair Wear & Tear Guide here.
Who decides the Guaranteed Future Value (GFV) and how is it calculated?
Toyota Finance analysts set the Guaranteed Future ValueF2] based on what they estimate the car will be worth in the future. This is done through sales results of similar cars, new model data and economic factors, with your loan term and agreed end odometer factored in.
Is Toyota Access a lease?
No. If you enter into a Toyota Access Consumer Loan or Toyota Access Business Vehicle Loan, you own the car and Toyota Finance will have a security interest over it.
What happens at the end of my loan?
When your loan term ends, you have the choice of one of three flexible options:
Trade for a new model - If the trade-in value is higher than your outstanding loan balance, you can put the difference towards your new Toyota.
Keep your Toyota – Simply pay the remaining balance owing on your loan, or we can help you refinance that amount, if you don’t have the cash on hand (conditions apply).
Return your Toyota - Toyota Finance will pay you the Guaranteed Future Value[F2]
/ agreed at the start of your loan, (subject to fair wear and tear and agreed kilometres being met) and put it against the remaining balance owing on your account.
You’ll just need to let us know what you would like to do around 180 days before your car loan term ends.